Team Member

Bobby Gilstrap

(918) 658-2573


Bobby first got started at 6:33 Recovery Inc. when attending men's groups. When asked how 6:33 Recovery changed his life he said, "Jeremiah 29:11 - I have found my purpose and it's here at 633 Recovery." His current role at 6:33 Recovery is volunteer staff. Encourage and love young men until they learn how to love themselves again. When asking Bobby why he believes in 6:33 Recovery he said, "I've witnessed the proof of this program with my own eyes. Seeing young men's lives being put back together through a discipleship program based on Godly principles."

Fun Quote

"Better than I deserve"

Favorite Food

Home grilled steak and good Mexican food

Favorite Scripture

Luke 6:31 - Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Team Members

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